During Intel’s one-day Developer Forum in Beijing, the company celebrated the one-year anniversary of their Atom processor, while also announcing new models and other products. In a keynote given by Anand Chandrasekher, the Senior VP and General Manager of the Ultra Mobility Group, the first-ever live demonstration of upcoming Atom platform Moorestown was given, and from how it appears, this is going to be well worth waiting for.
Moorsetown, a follow-up to the Menlow platform, features the huge promise of using 10x less power when in an idle state, which should do well to increase battery-life for any MID (Mobile Internet Device) – even netbooks. This improvement was brought forth thanks to new power management techniques, a new partition optimized for MID segments and of course, the use of the Hi-k manufacturing process sure doesn’t hurt either. Moorsetown is still on track for a 2010 launch.
In the meantime, we’ll have two new Atom processors to fill the void, including the Z550 and Z515. The latter runs at 1.2GHz and is designed for use in smaller MIDs, while the Z550 is a speedy 2.0GHz offering, improving on the Z540 by 140MHz. Pricing was not announced, and neither were any other specs. In addition to these announcements, Anand went on to point out that additional OEMs were picking up on Atom, and notes that ultra-thin notebook designs (<1″ thick) are on their way.
Pat Gelsinger, Intel’s Senior VP and General Manager of the Digital Enterprise Group, went on to speak about the successful launches of Core i7 and Xeon 5500, and also talked about upcoming processors, such as the 32nm Westmere, which will feature a hybrid CPU/GPU design. The first mention of “Jasper Forest” was made here also. This Nehalem-based processor is designed for embedded and storage applications, so we’ll just have to wait and see what it has in store.
Finally, soon-to-be-retired Chairman Craig Barrett challenged the development community to put their expertise to good use to tackle some challenges presented in health care, economic development and the environment. His thoughts were all based on his travels to various countries (more than 30 a year!). Craig wrapped up his keynote by announcing the winners of the INSPIRE-EMPOWER challenge that he announced at last fall’s IDF. You can read a lot more about that specifically here.
Celebrating the 1-year anniversary of Intel Corporation’s introduction of its wildly popular Intel Atom processor family, Anand Chandrasekher, Intel senior vice president and general manager of the Ultra Mobility Group, introduced two new processors for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) and several other milestones during his keynote today at the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing.