Oh, the sick irony. We found out just last week of a huge $200 price-drop, to much angst by all of the early adopters. Then yesterday we finally saw the release of iPhoneSIMFree. However, the downside was that some people were having to pay upwards of $100 for the privilege. Well, if you were one of those people, you might want to turn away from the computer since a completely free iPhone unlocking method has since been released. The lesson here? Don’t be a first-adopter when it comes to Apple products if you want to save cash.
Engadget has a quick look at how the hack is performed, but it’s not for the faint of heart and requires pure terminal usage. If you are willing to follow the instructions though, you can have a completely unlocked iPhone in a matter of minutes. As Apple releases more iPhone updates though, they could easily wipe out the effects from this hack. If they choose to do so, then follow-up hacks would have to be performed each time they try to patch it up. Apple has been pretty lenient about hacking of their hardware lately though, so hopefully once you unlock, it stays unlocked.
Depending on activation method, YouTube might not be working after the unlock — ours isn’t. This is, of course, expected behavior. There’s a Windows script here that should hopefully fix you up (again, we don’t make any guarantees), but Mac users will have to look elsewhere. Also, alongside the Mac GUI iUnlock app in the works, the iPhone Dev Team is prepping a Windows version, a simple bash script and an iPhone app — and eventually an all-in-one app that can do everything from the Jailbreak to the unlock.
Source: Engadget