If you find yourself whining about your small 50″+ HDTV, then how about going bigger? JVC has just unveiled their 110″ HDTV that is actually available for sale. It includes the usual slew of suspects, such as 1080p, HDMI, Component and of course, the amazing input we know as S-Video.
Interestingly, it also includes a Firewire and ethernet so that you can view photos and possibly videos, though the official product site is hard to read since it’s Japanese. If you have a weak floor or a weak wallet, this TV is not for you. It weighs in at 730 pounds and $53,000. Ouch.
Football fans can rejoice knowing that there is now an even bigger screen to watch Tony Romo fumble on. Now you can experience failure on a 110-inch rear-projection screen of awesomeness thanks to JVC.
Source: Crunch Gear