Kingston, renowned for its memory and SSD offerings, has just introduced its very first gaming headset. Called the HyperX Cloud, Kingston’s newest product is a result of a collaboration with the Swedish company QPAD, itself a well-established (if not especially well-known) provider of gaming gear.
Kingston has designed the HyperX Cloud to hit several targets. For maximum user comfort, the company has given the HyperX Cloud memory foam ear cushions (no, really!) and a soft, leather-padded headband. Its over-the-ear, closed-cup design blocks outside noise, thereby enhancing immersiveness for the gamer. Very large 53mm drivers should deliver solid low-frequency response. Finally, a detachable microphone boom, made of aluminum, is both stylish and pragmatic.
The HyperX Cloud is compatible with PCs, the PS4, and smartphones and tablets, endowing it with unmatched versatility.
The SRP for the Cloud is $99.99 USD, and it’s currently available at both Newegg and NCIX.