There are mobile media readers, and then there’s Kingston’s MobileLite Wireless G2. When not serving files over Wi-Fi, it can accept a wired LAN connection to become a travel router, and it can also use its huge battery to help charge your mobile phone while you’re on-the-go. Who doesn’t love a device that can act as a jack-of-all-trades?
When I met with Kingston at CES in 2011, the company showed me a product prototype that went on to “wow” me – despite it being rather simple in design. At the time, the product was codenamed MobiSX, but it became Wi-Drive for launch. We reviewed it later that year.
The reason Wi-Drive wowed me is because Kingston was offering iOS users a way to expand their storage. Let’s face it: Even phones with 32GB of storage space can be a bit limiting for the media-hungry user, so the ability to expand that storage outside of the device – without the cloud – was huge to me. It was clear that such devices wouldn’t be iOS-exclusive for long, or much less Kingston-exclusive.
Fast-forward to early 2013, when Kingston released the MobileLite Wireless, a device similar to Wi-Drive in that it gives mobile users access to data from an external device, without the need of a cord. That first-generation model was very well-received overall, and while the second-generation model looks similar on paper at quick glance, it proves itself to be a fantastic improvement.
Read the rest of our article.