It’s not often that we can experience a CEO from one company bolting and then admit to falling in love with another companies product afterwards. But, that’s what happened with Linspire’s ex-CEO Kevin Carmony, who recently made a post on the Ubuntu forums admitting to being stoked for it.
He notes that once he left Linspire, he experimented with numerous distros and found Ubuntu to be an “easy choice”. Of course, this is the same person who used to say great things about a distro he obviously had a great distaste with. Of course, if I were an ex-CEO looking to beef up my cred, I’d choose the most popular distro known to man as well.
Now that I’m no longer the CEO of Linspire, or under any obligation to use that particular distribution, I thought I should take some time and look around at all the distributions and decide which one was right for me and my PC. In addition to already being quite familiar with Linspire and Freespire, I also looked at Novell/Suse, Red Hat/Fedora, PC Linux, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu. Well, after all my research, I have to tell you, it was an easy choice. Ubuntu! I’m excited for the new release in a few days, which I will use to replace the many Linux desktop and laptop PCs I own (five).
Source: Ubuntu Forums