Earlier this week, Logitech released details about it’s new mouse, the Wireless M560. While we eagerly await the arrival of the M560 to review for you, we thought it would be best to highlight this new mouse’s features to wet your appetite.
This mouse is meant to be used on Windows 7 and 8 PC’s, however it has been designed to take further advantage of Windows 8 and give those users one touch access to the App Bar and Charm Bar. The button is located directly under the mouse and you only need to gesture to the left or right for these bars to come up.
The mouse is designed with comfort in mind, for long hours of use. To this end, there are deep contours and soft rubber grips, ideal whether you’re a lefty or a righty. The feature that caught my eye was the Hyper-fast scroll wheel, it is designed to let you quickly and smoothly scroll through long documents or web pages; Facebook addicts will undoubtedly appreciate this. I have tried other mice that have done something similar, but they were not very precise when trying to scroll up or down in small increments, it will be interesting to see if Logitech has cracked this illusive beast.
The traditional Logitech bag of tricks will be had with the two extra thumb buttons. Sadly, it is only right-handed at this time. Included, as with all other Logitech wireless devices, is the unifying low profile receiver. The suggested retail price is $39.99, it is currently available for order in the U.S. and can be pre-ordered in Europe. There is currently no date on availability.