A mere three weeks after Microsoft cut $150 off the pricetag of its Surface RT tablets, it’s taking similar action with Surface Pro. Here, $100 is being cut off both the 64GB (now $799) and 128GB (now $899) models. This move comes not long after the company revealed that it spent more on marketing the Surface Pro than it earned back in revenue. To me, that sounds like the financial equivalent of a blue screen of death.
According to a Microsoft representative that got in touch with The Verge, the reason for the Pro price drops has the RT’s price drops to thank. Apparently, the success of the cut on the RT side gave Microsoft the hope that it could increase Pro sales by taking similar action. We must also wonder, though, whether or not a Surface 2 is en route. Microsoft’s had at least 8 months to retool what it thinks it has to in order to make its Surface succeed as a platform, and I for one hope that its a platform that doesn’t die off fast. I’m not particularly interested in a Windows tablet myself, but I’m very interested in seeing if Microsoft could convince me otherwise.
The $100 price drop isn’t being reflected inĀ all stores yet, but it seems to be in most. You can visit your regional Microsoft Store site and see if the new price has been put into effect