Microsoft to All Internet Explorer Haters: Stop Trolling and Give Us Another Shot
Posted on November 29, 2012 12:30 PM by Rob Williams
Microsoft is tired of seeing people bash Internet Explorer just for the heck of it, so it’s posted a video to YouTube that draws attention to just how lame the trolling really is. In it, we see an IE-hater who has various propaganda strewn around his room – such as a drawing of a Chrome kid beating up a Firefox kid whilst an IE kid sits aside, and a coffee mug that states “I (TRASH CAN) IE”. Indeed, this isn’t just a troll, this is an anti-IE zealot.
Through the video, we see this IE-hater spread his distaste for the browser around various message boards; YouTube, Facebook and others. “IE SUCKS” reads one comment. “IE SUCKS!!! 4evUR! Srsly!” reads another. A personal favorite of mine, “IE SUCKS!!”.
In an effort to prove that nothing Microsoft could do will change troll-like behavior, throughout the video the company continues to announce realistic and unrealistic upgrades to the browser, such as HTML 6 support and the fact that “IE adopts an island of kittens and donates them to children everywhere!”. Does this IE troll end up giving in? Watch the video to find out.
I admit, I am a little intrigued by Microsoft’s confidence here. I might just have to use IE for a little while as a test, and see how long, if at all, it takes me to come crawling back to Chrome.
Rob founded Techgage in 2005 to be an 'Advocate of the consumer', focusing on fair reviews and keeping people apprised of news in the tech world. Catering to both enthusiasts and businesses alike; from desktop gaming to professional workstations, and all the supporting software.