Parents who install the monitoring software on their home computers would be able to find out what name, age and location their children are using to represent themselves on MySpace. The software doesn’t enable parents to read their child’s e-mail or see the child’s profile page and children would be alerted that their information was being shared. The program would continue to send updates about changes in the child’s name, age and location, even when the child logs on from other computers.
I am somewhat two sided on this one. Personally, I hate privacy breaches, but I know full well what kind of idiots roam MySpace. If I had a child, I would not even let them use it, personally. That said, if a parent was to use such software I believe the child should know that the parent has these “spying” capabilities. At least this way, it would coax them to behave online and hopefully stay out of trouble and harm. Lying to your kid is not going to set a good example.
Source: ZD Net Blogs