Have you ever received a cell phone bill that included charges you didn’t expect? Chances are if you didn’t, then you don’t use a cell phone. All too often, providers will sneak hidden charges onto your phone bill in hopes you won’t notice. Too often, it works. Finally, US senators have realized that this is a huge problem and have unveiled legislation that would stop this from ever happening.
If passed, it would require cell phone service providers to offer you clear and concise outlines of your commitment, a thirty-day window that would allow the customer to cancel service without cancellation fees and also greater flexibility to exit contracts with services that don’t meet your needs. I think it goes without saying… this needs to happen.
The Cell Phone Consumer Empowerment Act of 2007 will require wireless service providers to share simple, clear information on their services and charges with customers before they enter into long-term contracts; a thirty-day window in which to exit a contract without early termination fees; and greater flexibility to exit contracts with services that don’t meet their needs.
Source: Slashdot