Last fall, I wrote an open letter to Neversoft, begging for a two year stretch between Proving Ground and the next title. The reasons would have been obvious to any other Tony Hawk fan… the games are just getting worse. For the most part, it’s more of the same. Then skate. comes along… and steals a bunch of fans and creates new ones, but for the opposing title.
Well, at an earnings call, Activision announced that they would skip over a new Tony Hawk title this year, making if the first time since 1999 that the game didn’t see an annual release. While it will suck for fans to go a year without a new title, it needs to be done. Neversoft needs to figure out a new solution to revitalize the series. I’m just hoping they can do it without creating a skate. clone, because that’s not what Tony Hawk has ever been.
The one-year delay in a new title also allows me to go back and clean off the titles where I haven’t hit the 100 % mark. Some of Proving Ground’s goals are unbelievable!
Though we can understand if some of you are bummed without your yearly Hawk infusion, we couldn’t be happier. After getting its clock cleaned 2 to 1 by Skate, it seems like the perfect time for Activision to regroup, lick its wounds and, you know, put some effort into the series.
Source: Joystiq