NVIDIA Releases Exclusive Need For Speed: Payback 4K/60 Gameplay Trailer
Posted on September 20, 2017 12:06 PM by Rob Williams
Proving that some series are just not meant to die, Ghost Games, along with beloved publisher EA, are soon to release the twenty-third iteration of Need for Speed, dubbed Payback. The title doesn’t leave much to the imagination about what to expect from the story.
Payback, due out on November 10, features three playable characters that ultimately work together create some action-filled mayhem. With their efforts combined, these three characters will work to take down the cartel-owned “The House”, which controls the underworld of Fortune Valley.
What you can expect to see a lot from Payback, in addition to the obvious (intense racing), is tons of cop chases, heists, and of course, spectacular crashes. NVIDIA claims that the game will offer the most in-depth customization system seen to date in a Need for Speed game, which to me raises more questions than it answers. ProStreet was a fairly in-depth NFS game (at least in terms of car customization), so it will be interesting to see in which ways Payback will add its depth.
Nonetheless, Payback may be one of the most optimized Need for Speed titles ever, as it requires just a GTX 1060 to deliver 1080p/60 at “high detail”. It’s not mentioned exactly what’s needed for 4K/60, but it feels like you should be able to do it on, at minimum, a GTX 1070, as long as you don’t mind spending some time tweaking the settings.
As previously mentioned, Payback comes out on November 10, for the top-tier consoles, in addition to the PC. Given NVIDIA’s promotion of this game, I had been hoping that some special GameWorks treats would wind up in there, but so far, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Rob founded Techgage in 2005 to be an 'Advocate of the consumer', focusing on fair reviews and keeping people apprised of news in the tech world. Catering to both enthusiasts and businesses alike; from desktop gaming to professional workstations, and all the supporting software.