Over the past few years, NZXT has become a Techgage favorite, as it has consistently developed some great products, many of which we’ve reviewed. Although most known for its chassis’, NZXT produces much more than that. Of these, power supplies are fairly popular, not to mention some of the “coolest” fan controllers out there. Then there’s gaming peripherals. Yes, NZXT seems to be all over the map, but as long as the released products live up to the name, there’s not much wrong with that.
I admit that I’m not much of a DIY-er, but every so often a product that caters to those people stands out, and in the most recent case, it’s a simple USB expansion product. USB expansion isn’t at all new, but NZXT has developed a product with a twist. First, it’s an internal product, not external. What it requires from your machine is A) a connection to the power supply and B) one of your chassis’ internal USB cables (typically blue).
It may seem weird to take a USB connector in order to offer expansion, but it’s necessary, and unimportant, because in return, the device will open up three new internal USB connectors, along with two regular USB ports, for a total of 8 additional USB ports to the PC (it’s actually six, since installing this essentially overtakes two). You might wonder why on earth an internal product would have regular USB ports, and the reason is for things like Bluetooth or WiFi modules, where installing it internally is fine. Doing so would free up one of the USB ports in your front panel or in the back of the motherboard.
When I first saw this product, I couldn’t help but think about the lack of need, because so many motherboards today ship with far more USB ports than most people need. But there’s another twist. Because this connects directly to your power supply, it’s going to be able to power whatever you plug into it, and if you’ve ever worked on an older PC, or perhaps experienced the issue yourself, USB bandwidth and power can become a real problem when you have a lot of peripherals plugged in. This is the very problem and reason why I recently built a friend a new PC
So as I look at it, this product seems better suited for older PCs, but if you are a USB-aholic, installing it into a newer PC is definitely an option. Concerned about the price? There’s really no need, as it’s set to retail for an easy-to-stomach $20. I’d expect availability relatively soon at e-tailers like Newegg.
“We strive to make products that provide enthusiasts options for enhanced expansion and control” said Johnny Hou, Chief Designer at NZXT. “Motherboards typically feature only 2 internal USB ports which tend to be occupied by a media card reader and the case’s USB cable. The IU01 provides a total of 8 additional USB ports expanding the users’ multimedia connectivity and ensures peripherals have sufficient power with the direct connection to the PSU.”