But recently, we learned of Oscuro’s Obvlion Overhaul, also known as OOO. This is a complete overhaul of gameplay, and this finally makes game more playable for old farts like yours truly. OOO changes the gameplay in a way that you will have a separation between the low-level and high-level areas, so no more epic battles with rats around the first city (yeah, five wolves on lvl15 can be quite a challenge).
I admit I am not a big fan of Oblivion, although the gorgeous and expansive world is by far one of the best I’ve seen in any game. For those, like me, who do not enjoy the general gameplay aspects of the game, Oscuro has taken it upon himself to revamp the game. He didn’t only modify rules, but added a slew of new items, dungeons and monsters. From the FAQ:
Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul was designed to enhance the immersion, variety, realism and difficulty of TES IV: Oblivion through extensive changes to its gameplay structures and aided by the addition of high-quality content.
Do you need more of a reason to give this mod a try?
Source: The Inquirer