Eight-way capable Opteron models 8220 SE, 8218, 8216, 8214 and 8212 have dropped to $2,621, $2,127, $1,498, $1,153 and $864 from its previous prices of $2,638, $2,143, $1,515, $1,169 and $880 respectively. Dual capable Opteron models 2220 SE, 2218, 2216, 2214, 2212 and 2212 will be priced at $1,153, $864, $691, $517, $373 and $252 respectively. Previous prices for the Opteron 22xx series was $1,169, $880, $707, $533, $390 and $268.
Yes, that’s a lot of prices to sort through. $268 for the bottom of the run isn’t half bad though, although I am unsure of the specifications of that specific chip. The real question is whether or not these will prove to be the overclockers dream, as the 939/940 ones were. More than likely not…