Sure, the PS3 and Xbox 360 have some killer graphics, but that never usually means better gameplay. Well, of course the price comes into play as well, which is why it’s no surprise to see that Nielsen’s research claims that the Playstation 2 is still the most-played console around, accounting for 42% of the market. The original Xbox takes 17% and the 360 took 8%. The PS3 was underwhelming to say the least, at 1.5%, but that may change a little after recent price drops. Somehow… the Wii only claims 4%.
Nielsen GamePlay Metrics has started tracking video game activity using data from Nielsen’s existing sample of TV viewers. Nielsen’s sample includes more than 12,000 U.S. households with about 33,000 individuals. Nielsen also found that households that own the Nintendo Wii are more likely to earn more than $100,000 a year. And summer break has meant kids play video games later: in April, the Wii’s peak usage hour was 5 p.m., during the summer, it’s 8 p.m.
Source: USA Today