Pong is a classic, there is no sense arguing that. But… it’s more boring than watching paint dry. So, to enliven the game a bit, Ashish Derhgawen wrote a homegrown version that will play by itself with the aide of a webcam. Sure, this could be considered a waste of time, but can you say that you wrote a homegrown version of Pong and that your computer plays with itself? I didn’t think so.
As Pong attempts to solidify itself as the most hacked up game in the history of mankind, Ashish Derhgawen has programmed his computer to actually play a homegrown version of the title without any human interaction at all. By utilizing a webcam as the machine’s eyes, he was able to write up an image recognition program that could detect borders and make appropriate movements based on where the ball currently was.
Source: Engadget