With the release of our look at the iPod classic 120GB yesterday, we also unveiled a new site feature called “Quick Gage”. Since nothing about this was mentioned before, I wanted to take a moment to explain what it is, and what purpose it serves.
The primary goal of Quick Gage is simple… to help get more content on the site. It in no way will affect our regular content, but rather act as a supplement, so that even while we’re working ardently on our more robust content, the site won’t skip a beat. After all, with the extensive research, testing and writing, the majority of our content requires a lot of time, so Quick Gage is sure to help us get out regular content even while we’re working away on our regular features.
Past that, Quick Gage will also allow us to get content on the site for products we’ve either purchased ourselves, or for products that we’ve received that don’t exactly warrant a full-blown review. The iPod is a perfect example of that. It’s not a new product by any means, but since I recently purchased one, a Quick Gage proved to be the perfect avenue for me to give quick details on what it is, along with issues I experienced with the product, and a little bit of opinion.

We’re still ironing out all the details, but it’s likely that Quick Gage will become a feature for both our news section and our regular content section. If the product or service we’re covering doesn’t require too much space on our pages, then it will be best suited for the news section. But on the other side of the coin, if whatever we’re covering requires a bit more of an explanation or opinion, but not enough to be considered a regular article, then it will become a one-page article.
We of course always look for suggestions on any aspect of our site, and this one is no exception. If you have ideas for Quick Gage, or happen to know of a more creative name we could be using, don’t hesitate to comment in our related thread! You don’t need to sign up on the forums in order to comment in our site-related threads. There, I just took away your one and only excuse!