You get what you pay for. How many times have you heard that in your lifetime? Brent from Hard|OCP proves in this article that paying more is not always the wise choice. NVIDIA’s 320MB 8800GTS hardly lagged behind AMD’s Radeon HD 2900 XT, and even surpassed its performance in some of the tested games.
The reason this matters to you is that the 320MB 8800GTS costs well over $100 less, and still offers a similar or better gaming experience than the 2900 XT could give you. Not a good thing to see on AMDs part.
When you compare this to the lowest price we could find on Newegg of the ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT, $409.99 you will see a very large gap in price. What is surprising though is the large gap in performance as well, and it doesn’t swing the way you would typically think.
Source: Hard|OCP