In September of 1985, Japan didn’t have any idea about what was about to hit it, and hit it hard. No, not Godzilla. Rather, it was the launch of Super Mario Bros., the original, for the Nintendo Entertainment System (or Nintendo Famicom as it was known in Japan). To date, it still remains the second-most best-selling video game in the world (the first spot belongs to Wii Sports), so to say the least, it was a rip-roaring success.
The game sold well for a reason… it was an absolute blast to play, and as is very obvious today, Mario didn’t just stop there. Instead, he went on to appear in over 200 different video games. If that’s not success, I don’t know what is. But even though the original game is an absolute classic, there was a major flaw. What could that possibly be? Well… the lack of alternate characters!
Take for example, Bill R. from Contra, Link from the Zelda series, Mega Man, Samus from Metroid and Simon from Castlevania. Of course, none of these characters even had their own games back at SMB’s launch, but that shouldn’t stop us from living that childhood dream, right? Well thanks to game developer Exploding Rabbit, that dream has become a reality. That means that you can take any of the five aforementioned characters, and also Mario of course, through the entire game.
This isn’t some cheap clone, either. In a quick playthrough, it’s the exact same game, and each of the special characters act as they do in their own game. So Mega Man and Bill can shoot their guns to kill monsters, and, umm, Simon can use his super-effective whip (to be fair, his upgraded whip kicks ass). If anything, it’s almost epic to see Simon die by a Goomba, so that in itself is worth giving it a try.
Super Mario Bros Crossover is a flash game that recreates the original Super Mario Bros for Nintendo and allows you to play it as characters from other classic Nintendo games. It is a tribute to classic NES games and anyone that grew up playing Nintendo should enjoy it.