Playstation 3 owners finally have a good reason to get excited: Rockstar is creating an entirely new series exclusive to the console. Microsoft pays $50 million to Rockstar for exclusive rights to extra GTA IV content, and Sony gets a complete series, just like that? Sounds like a sweet deal. Of course, details of the series are scarce. No name, no genre and of course, no screenshots. Has there been a horrible Rockstar game lately though?
Everyone knows to have success in this business you need to look ahead, identifying the talent and titles that are going to give consumers new kinds of gaming experiences that help set the bar for the rest of the industry. Rockstar has a heritage for doing just that. We have had incredible success with the GTA franchise and are happy to continue to offer those titles on our platforms, and even more excited about what’s to come from the current and future relationship between our companies.
Source: Playstation Blog