Shuttleworth’s invitation is unlikely to be seen by most openSUSE developers in anything but a negative light. The replies are almost universally negative, and accuse Shuttleworth of “doing Microsoft’s FUD work for them” and attempting to divide the community. It hasn’t taken long for at least one openSUSE community member to post a satirical response to the Ubuntu developer list, albeit as an anonymous coward under the moniker “Shark Muddleworth,” inviting Ubuntu developers to join openSUSE because of Shuttleworth’s stance on proprietary drivers in the upcoming Ubuntu Feisty release.
The Novell/MS issue is shaking up the Linux community enough; It certainly did not need help from Ubuntus lead. Although I personally disagree with the cooperation between Novell and MS, I’d still like to see SUSE grow continue to be the stature it always has been.