It hasn’t even been a full week since Google announced its planned rollout of ‘Google Fiber’ Internet in both Kansas Citys, but the outpouring of support so far is evident – especially on the Missouri side. There, a staggering 39 eligible neighborhoods have reached Google’s minimum goal for pre-registrations, totaling 30% of the total.
Of these neighborhoods, 10, or 7% of the total, have not had a single registration thus far. The other 62% of neighborhoods are still below the minimum goal, but some are a mere handful away.
Kansas City, Kansas has less-impressive numbers, however. There, a mere 3 neighborhoods have met the minimum goal, amounting to 4% of the total. Compared to the 10 neighborhoods in Missouri that haven’t had a single registration, the 3 on the Kansas side doesn’t seem so bad. Still, if you look at the numbers required to get more neighborhoods in Kansas above the minimum, there’s some work to be done.
Over at TechCrunch, it’s mentioned that CEO of Zaarly, Bo Fishback, wants to see this change and has sent out his own door-to-door Google Fiber salesman to get the word out – even going as far as to opt for the pre-registration fee of $10.
As we’re only four or five days into this pre-registration period, lots can change before the service begins its roll-out – 41 days from the time of writing. I’d be hard-pressed to see less than 50% of all eligible neighborhoods not register, but as awesome as Google Fiber appears, $70/mo might still be quite a bit more than some folks are paying, and if you don’t need better Internet, the draw will be minimal.