The sly folks at SlySoft are known for being vocal on their stance with regards to copy protection, and well, we love that. Copy protection hurts no one except those legal buyers who fork over $30 or more for the latest releases. Pricing aside though, consumers should have the ability to back up their own copies. I do this with each new PC game I pick up so that I can install from the backup in order to protect the original. It gives a quick sense of security and knowledge that if something happens to the backup, I won’t need to purchase another copy of a game I already paid for.
That rant aside, SlySoft have just released an updated version of AnyDVD that fully supports duplication of your Blu-ray movies encrypted with BD+. This is a huge accomplishment, and ironic since this protection was designed to last at least ten years. When will they ever learn? Given the prices of today’s Blu-ray blank media ($10 – $15), I have to wonder how many are actually planning to back up their legal copies. It would get expensive quick and prove far less expensive to just re-purchase a movie if one goes down the chute. But, for those of us who plan to wait until media is less expensive, it’s nice to know that the ability to backup will be waiting for us.
Note to Twentieth Century Fox: As you can see, BD+ didn’t offer you any advanced security, it just annoyed some of your customers with older players. So could you please cut this crap and start publishing your titles on HD DVD? There are thousands of people willing to give you money.
Source: SlySoft