Google Earth is an amazing application for spending hours scouring our beautiful globe, but it’s not that great for surfing through space. The options there, but it’s clunky as best. Microsoft hopes to one or two-up Google Earth’s attempt with WorldWide Telescope, a brand-new application, similar to other Earth-mapping tools, that allows users to travel through space at their leisure.
With over 1TB worth of imagery available, it’s unlikely that you will find yourself bored too quickly. To make things even more interactive, you are able to take guided tours, which are actually narrated by real astronomers and teachers. It sure looks good so far, especially for a beta. It’s just too bad that it’s Windows only. How convenient of Microsoft!
But WorldWide Telescope has a few more tricks up its sleeve. You can take guided tours, which are narrated by astronomers and teachers. You can join “communities,” which are currently maintained by several astronomy magazines. Community members will have access to exclusive tours and other content. And if you have your own telescope, you can connect to to your computer and control it with WorldWide Telescope.
Source: Download Squad