Our huge survey contest ended way back in March, but until now I haven’t updated you guys much in way of what will come from our new found globs of information. Well, the reason behind that is that it took a while to convert all the results into something we could read and comprehend, but that’s now done. So, we will be spending a lot of time analyzing the data and deciding what to do with it… starting now!
One popular recommendation was for something we should have added a long time ago: a search. Well, one is now in place, courtesy of the big Goo’, and it should fulfill all your searching needs. This can be accessed in our left menu or to the right-side of the site at all times. Due to a technical implementation, we are unable to deliver results that automatically omit results from our forums. If that’s your desire, you can filter those by adding ” -forums.techgage.com “, without quotes, to the end of your query.
Also added are more social network bookmarking links at both the top and bottom of each article page. These include Digg, Facebook, Mixx, del.icio.us and StumbleUpon. Don’t be afraid to use ’em!
These features are only the first two of what should be many updates to come. My initial look at the results from the survey surprised me quite a bit, especially with regards to requests, so it will be our goal to implement all the features requested that are either feasible or appropriate for the site at this point in time. Stay tuned as there will be lots more to come.