The art of music production has come a long way, from the days of player pianos, to gramaphones, to magnetic tapes, and the latest synthesizers. Computers of today are capable of processing power unimaginable a few years back, and thanks to technology, the way music is made over the past decade has been revolutionised completely, bringing about the development of the mobile studio. In today’s world, when it boils down to production, the proper equipment and a good computer can easily match a hundred-thousand dollar studio punch-for-punch… and maybe even better it throughout! Only a select few, very special software can execute such a task; hence CyberwizardPit brings to you, on review today, from the infamous Cubase series – the SX3. After a bit of browsing and tinkering around, music-making will never be viewed the same way again…
Check out the full review at Cyber Wizard Pit.