Ahh, hyped products. The iPhone launch was a perfect example of the potential a hyped product can reach, but somehow the editors at Cnet completely disregarded it. Four consoles made the list, including both Playstations and the Xbox 360, as did the WoW expansion pack, Burning Crusade. Not surprisingly, Segway also made the list, though it still hasn’t caught on like it’s developers had hoped. Decent list overall, but where is the iPhone mention?
Prior to its launch, the Segway was known by its code name, “Ginger,” and was expected to change the way people would get around–and even factor in to the way cities were designed. The product was hyped by people like Steve Jobs far ahead of its launch. But while it is a sophisticated product, its high price never allowed it to have the impact its inventor, Dean Kamen, hoped it would.
Source: News.com