Here’s something. Those of you pining for a Tesla of your own: your wait might just have gotten a lot shorter. With the Model S and announced but not-yet-released Model X being out of the price range of many, Elon Musk and team have been working towards a more affordable solution for years. That work was just revealed officially that the company’s Model 3 will be debuted to the world on March 31 and will be available for purchase at a not-yet-determined date in 2017.
Credit: Drew Phillips / Autoblog
The Model 3’s appeal is obvious. Without the sticker shock of the Models S and X, the 3 will be priced with an MSRP around $35,000 before applicable government credits. Helping drive down the cost from the Model S is the fact that the 3 will be approximately 20% smaller and some standard features on the S might be optional.
That’s all we know at this time about the car itself. Musk tweeted yesterday that the “Model 3 reservations ($1000 down) will be accepted in Tesla storage on March 31 and online April 1”.
Get out those wallets and make room in your garage: the Tesla Model 3 is coming.