Popular torrent-tracking website, Mininova, has released a top ten list for movies and tv shows. While we don’t condone illegal file swapping, these numbers tell us two things. First is the blatant fact that there is a huge market here that the MPAA and television networks are not touching. Second is the fact that this list is probably close to the actual top ten list for those who actually watched the movies on the big screen and small screen as well.
Taking the top spot for movies is Transformers – not much of a surprise. The runner-ups were Knocked Up and Shooter… the latter being a title I’ve not even heard of. Yes, I need to get out more. On the TV shows side of things, Heroes took the lead with twice the downloads of number two, UK-based auto show Top Gear.
We made a list of the most downloaded movies and TV-shows of 2007, including the number of downloads the most popular torrents got on Mininova. Note that the actual download count is much higher since there are often more torrents for the same file, and there are more BitTorrent sites of course.
Source: Torrent Freak