Firefox 3 is here, and a world record attempt is being made. I am not sure what the previous record was, but I think the results so far are going to give the browser a great chance at it. When’s the last time you saw millions band together to download a new browser, anyway? With Firefox 2, perhaps, but since then, the browser’s worldwide usage has only gone up.
The Mozilla folks have put up a cool page that allows you to track their progress so far, and even offers the ability to narrow it down to a specific country. At the time of writing, the worldwide downloads have topped 7,000,000 and still seems to be going up rather fast. So far, the USA have been responsible for over 2.4m, while Germany comes in second, at close to 500K. At this rate, it’s looking like it might just hit 7.75m before the 24hr mark, but my math has always been horrible, so don’t quote my estimation.
Please download Firefox 3 by 11:16 a.m. PDT (18:16 UTC) on June 18, 2008. That’s 11:16 a.m. in Mountain View, 2:16 p.m. in Toronto, 3:16 p.m. in Rio de Janeiro, 8:16 p.m. in Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome and Warsaw, 10:16 p.m. in Moscow, and June 19, 2008 at 2:16 a.m. in Beijing and 3:16 a.m. in Tokyo.
Source: Spread Firefox