Having run Gentoo, KDE, and OpenRC for as long as I can remember, I recently felt inspired to start fresh and try something a little different. Such as a move to systemd, as well as GNOME. What results is this article, a rambling of sorts, featuring roadblocks I ran into, and thoughts of both systemd and GNOME 3.14 after using them for a week.
(Click image to go to the article.)
At the start of the month, Gentoo Linux’s website was treated to a great-looking overhaul, and somehow, it managed to inspire me. For a couple of reasons, I’ve wanted to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, but I couldn’t quite settle on how I wanted to go about things this next time around.
As an avid KDE user, I wanted to wait until Plasma 5 hit Gentoo’s repository as stable software before starting anew, but nearly one year later, there’s still more work to be done. Fueled by this piqued ambition, though, I couldn’t have imagined holding off on this reinstall, so of course, I began making up excuses to egg myself on. At first, I had thought I could just suck it up and install Plasma 5 via alternative methods, but I then thought back to last month’s release of GNOME 3.16, and all of the hype that surrounded it.
And that was that. It’s been a solid four years since I last used GNOME 3 for more than a couple of minutes, so I decided it was time to catch up and see what experience is offered nowadays.
Read the rest of our article.