Valve sends along word that both Portal and Half-Life 2: Episode 2 are available for pre-loading. If you’ve pre-purchased the Orange Box or any one of those titles by themselves, you can begin the download now in preparation for next weeks (October 10) launch. Team Fortress 2 also experienced some loving care two days ago, with an entire slew of bugs being ironed out. At this rate, the game should be bug-free for launch. That’s how things work, right?
The Orange Box will be available via Steam and at retail outlets beginning next Wednesday, October 10th. In preparation for launch, Valve has begun pre-loading both Portal and Half-Life 2: Episode Two to those who have pre-purchased The Orange Box. The pre-purchase campaign, available via Steam and at participating retailers, grants gamers access to the Team Fortress 2 beta and extends a 10% discount off the regular price of $49.95.