Intel’s new quad-core Core 2 Extreme QX6700 processor has made one thing clear, it’s that some applications are multithreaded, and others are not. Those that are can look forward to a healthy performance boost jumping to four cores, including near-linear scaling in some cases. Those that are not enjoy no such performance benefits, and may even run slower than on the fastest dual-core chips due to the slightly slower clock speeds of Intel’s first quad-core offering. Unfortunately, most of today’s game engines are among those applications that aren’t effectively multithreaded. A handful can take advantage of additional processor cores, but not in a manner that improves performance substantially.
The benefits of multi-core gaming is evident, but mainly with various effects. Although it may not make a game more fun, it may make it more immersive. Tech Report is taking a look at Valve has up their sleeves for the near future.