We’ve amassed a small digital collection of games, and we’d like to get rid of them. For a chance at one, all you need to do is comment below, while making sure to mention which game you have the most interest in. As we pluck the winners from a hat at the end of this simple giveaway, we’ll try to make sure you get the game you wanted. If your name is picked but your game was already claimed by an earlier winner, you’ll still receive whichever game is left (which could be used for trading if you happen to already own it).
Rise of the Triad
The games up for grabs are:
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Steam)
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Ubisoft UPlay)
- Hitman: Absolution (Steam)
- Rise of the Triad x 2 (Steam)
All but RotT has been contributed by our good friend Daniel Wisenbaker, so big thanks to him.
This giveaway will run through to the end of the week (Friday, 6:00PM EST), and I’ll post a reminder on Thursday. This is more of a giveaway than a contest, so if one of these games is available in your country, feel free to comment.
Update: The winners have been chosen, and fortunately, the way the names came out of our virtual hat assured that each name chosen got exactly the game they wanted. Winners are:
k0pkaas – Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Gualter – Rise of the Triad
The Focus Elf – Hitman: Absolution
Andrew Nakaska – Rise of the Triad
Gary Brooks – Deus Ex: Human Revolution
To the winners: Please email me at [email protected] if I am unable to contact you any other way.
Thanks for entering, and stay tuned for other giveaways down the road.