What’s the most natural thing to do after completing a massive contest like we threw in March? To follow-up immediately with another, of course! Yes, it’s true. We are going to do our best to hold regular contests, because there is obvious demand, and we always strive to give our readers what they want! We’re good like that.
For those of you who happen to look at the news before our content, be sure not to miss the contest that our very own GeekGirl has thrown together, with the help of NCsoft, creators of amazing games like City of Heroes and Villains, Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa, Guild Wars and my personal favorite, Lineage II.
This week, we are focusing on City of Heroes and Villains, offering you the chance to win some good (or evil) swag! I mean, how many contests offer a FREAKING CAPE as a prize? Not too many, and that’s where we are different than most other websites ;-)
So get on in there and enter!
Source: Techgage City of Heroes Contest