Now here’s something I’m sure a lot of us were not expecting to see this weekend: an epic match-up between Xbox One and PC gamers. For as long as brainwaves have existed, there’s been a debate about multiplayer console vs. PC. The general consensus is that PC gamers, equipped with a mouse and keyboard, would have such precise control at their fingertips that the console gamers wouldn’t have a chance in hell of competing. Well, this weekend can help confirm or deny that belief.
Over at the official GoW 4 forums, developer The Coalition is making it so clear that help is wanted this weekend that XP rates have been boosted to help coax those who might not have had plans to play to do so anyway. Instead of 600 XP for a win, this weekend will deliver 1,500, and for losses, a boost from 100 to 750 (!) is seen. You’ll also be able to create your own social squads up to 5 people.
There are a couple of things to bear in mind here. First is the fact that this action will take place on unranked playlists, so if you’re an Xbox gamer, don’t fret about a PC gamer ruining your stats. Further, there’s no guarantee whatsoever that all PC gamers or Xbox gamers will even face off against the other – it’s all left to chance. But even if you don’t face off against this true opposition, you’ll at least be able to enjoy some serious XP.
The reason The Coalition wants so much input is simply because it’d give the company a lot of data to deal with. It’s not going to simply decide overnight that PC vs. Console is a permanent thing, but it’s an idea that could be expanded on in the future. If user data is too modest, it might not give the developer a clear enough idea of where to take things.
I have no plans to take part in this test, but I am looking very forward to the results!