This is the first time we have posted about it, but a guy by the name of Steve Smith (wonder if he’s an American Dad fan?) has admitted to the world that he is a Zune fan. Not just a fan, a fanATIC. A few weeks ago, he had a Zune logo tattoo’ed on his left arm, and a week later he decided to get a character out of a Zune commercial on the left arm. Whew.
So he didn’t want to stop there. He has full intentions of getting a third, but I don’t care to know where he plans to put it. Microsoft, not known to ignore their biggest fans, caught on to Steve’s antics. Now he is getting a free trip to Redmond to meet up with the Zune team and perform an interview with On10. Everything aside, I think I am most interested in knowing what music he has on his Zune. He seems like an interesting fellow.
Source: Engadget