by Rob Williams on February 6, 2006 in Cases & PSUs
If you have never heard of NZXT, you don’t know what great cases you are missing! We are taking a look at their Lexa case, which combines “Perfect Symmetry” with class and functionality. Let’s check it out and see if we have a winner on our hands.
The inside HDD bay should prove enough for all of your hard disks. It has the capability of holding 5 3 1/4″ hard drives, but they will be tightly packed together. This is not a real problem though, as there is another 120mm fan located directly behind the bay that will blow cool air across the disks. This case keeps getting better and better the more I look into it.
Yet another useful part of this case has to do with the rear slots. There is no need for screws, because you can flip a tab and it will open them all up at once. When you install the cards, you can close it back up for a tight fit. This is incredibly useful; it saves a lot of time when you need to install or uninstall cards.
Overall, the inside of the case is superb. The aluminum is polished and hardly looks ugly. The drive bays are very adequate, and the ability to install with clips instead of screws is welcomed. Clips are far better than screws in that they are better shock absorbers also, so that’s another plus. The case can by used for more than just ATX sized motherboards, because there are sufficient holes in the motherboard tray. There is a small label that tells you which holes to use depending on your set up. Indeed, some companies can take lessons from NZXT in regards to the inside of the case.
From the moment I pulled this case out of it’s box, I was impressed. It’s not too often that you can use a case that continually impresses you as time goes on. But every time I take a close look at the case, I end up finding something new, which is great in itself. It wasn’t until this review was almost finished being written that I found out about the fan behind the HDD drive bay! Certainly, a lot of work has gone into this case; kudos to the designer. For a case like this to come from a relative newcomer is amazing. They apparently listen to their clients and implement what’s best. NZXT builds cases that they’d want to use also, which helps aide in the design.
As a whole, the case is absolutely gorgeous. I have no problems actually saying that about a case, but that’s the way it is. If a Porsche can be sexy and sleek, so can a computer case! There are some things about this case that really stand out. The first are the fans that are included and the placement of them. The second would be the ability to install your IDE devices using clips instead of screws… what ease! In general, it’s really easy to install all of your hardware without issue, and it’s only because of the great design. The USB ports and etcetera are available on the side of the case, where they are practically unseen. This is a great idea because it doesn’t take away from the look at the case, and since a lot of people don’t use them to begin with, like me, then it’s even more appreciated.

One of my favorite features of the case though, and this is small, is the fact that the case is raised from the floor. Especially with an air filter underneath, this can really help with great air circulation.. this was an awesome addition to the case.
This is a fantastic case, and I highly recommend anyone to pick one up. I am awarding the NZXT Lexa a well deserved 9/10 and an Editors Choice award. Kudos to them for bringing us this great case, and I can’t wait to see what their next release will be like.
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