We’re in the process of running two small contests, and both end tomorrow night. For those who haven’t entered yet due to A) Laziness, B) Lack of time or C) Lack of knowledge about them – none of those excuses are good enough! If you at all want a chance to win a copy of either PowerDVD 11 Ultra or Futuremark PCMark 7, get on entering. It’s simple, trust me.
PCMark 7 – Advanced Edition
Both contests can be entered via Twitter, or for those TG forum faithfuls, an entry can be made simply be posting in either of the respective contest threads. You can click the URLs below to get more information:
PowerDVD 11 Ultra Contest
Futuremark PCMark 7 Contest
Contests are one thing we don’t dabble with too often, but since we have companies asking us to hold some all the time, we have been considering getting on a semi-regular schedule to give prizes out. We do have one problem, though. With some of our recent contests, the participation has been horrible, and I do mean that. Granted, most of them have been software-related, but is that the problem? Is there something we’re doing wrong? Are our contests not challenging enough? Are we not offering cool enough prizes? Should we be more clear about our contests on the front page?
We’d love to get some feedback on this, and see if we can’t get more active participation in these things. After all, if we get only a handful of entries into our contests, there’s little-to-no reason to host them!
Regardless of all that, good luck to those who enter our ongoing contests! I’ll contact the winners sometime this weekend, via either our forums or Twitter, whichever the case may be.